 Saraksts/Par un ap kristietību/Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
pievienojies: 20.06.2007
Komentāri: 63
Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
21.05.2009 12:22
Vakar Īrijā publiskots skandalozs ziņojums par vardarbību pret bērniem katoļu organizācijās. Ziņojuma autori uzsver, ka baznīcas vadītāji zinājuši par bērnu seksuālu izmantošanu, kas notikusi baznīcas paspārnē esošajos bērnunamos un skolās.

Izmeklēšanas komisija tika izveidota pirms deviņiem gadiem un šajā laikā izvērtējusi 60 gadu ilgu periodu. Tā secinājusi, ka daudzās skolās valdījusi pārāk barga disciplīna, kas robežojusies ar vardarbību pret bērniem.

Komisija aptaujājusi vairāk nekā 2000 cilvēku, kas cietuši no fiziskas un seksuālas vardarbības katoļu skolās. Upuri tikmēr atklāj arvien jaunas šokējošas liecības par vardarbību pret bērniem. 60 gadu laikā valdībai nebija izdevies novērst sišanu, izvarošanu un pazemojumus, kas valdīja katoļu skolās.Turklāt upuri bieži tika atstāti bez ēdienreizēm un Svētie Raksti bija jālasa ārā, lietū.

„Bija kārtīgi jāsaklāj gulta. Tomēr, ja gadījās to saslapināt, tad tas no rīta bija jāpasaka kristiešu brālim. Viņš lika palagu aplikt ap kaklu un tā skriet pa pagalmu pusseptiņos no rīta. Tikmēr visi palagu varēja apskatīt," stāsta viens no bērniem, kas tolaik cietuši no vardarbības.

Daļa upuru jau saņēmuši materiālās kompensācijas kopumā 800 miljonu eiro, taču domājams, ka šī summa varētu pieaugt pat līdz vienam miljardam.

Īrijas katoļu baznīcas vadītājs jau atvainojies par
pievienojies: 07.05.2006
Komentāri: 155
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
21.05.2009 20:32
No kurienes šī ziņa ir paņemta?
pievienojies: 20.06.2007
Komentāri: 63
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
22.05.2009 09:29
No sabiedriskiem mēdijiem.
pievienojies: 04.11.2005
Komentāri: 516
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
22.05.2009 12:45
Būtu derīgi saprast, ka sabiedriskie mēdiji nevis atspoguļo patiesus notikumus pasaulē ,(un valstī arī), bet veido politiku. Un kalpo noteiktiem politiskajiem blokiem.
pievienojies: 30.12.2004
Komentāri: 213
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
22.05.2009 13:51
Jā, tā ir taisnība, ka sabiedriskie mediji ne tikai atspoguļo ziņas, bet tiem ir arī sava nostāja un politika, kuru tie "dzen cauri".

Tomēr šajā gadījumā nevajadzētu piesaukt liberālo mediju sazvērestību pret Romas katoļu baznīcu, tas būtu nevietā. Acīm redzot, šādi pārkāpumi tajās katoļu skolās tiešām ir notikuši un Īrijas katoļiu baznīca to arī atzīst. Vakar pat TV redzēju, ka Īrijas bīskaps pauda nožēlu par notikušo un lūdza piedošanu visiem šajās pārestībās cietušajiem. Tāpat arī pārstāvis no tās organizācijas "Christian brothers", kura uzturēja šīs skolas. Notikušais ir ļoti nepatīkams, tomēr tieši šādu nodarījumu atzīšana, nožēlošana un piedošanas lūgšana ir labākais un vienīgais dziedināšanas ceļš - Kristus ceļš.
pievienojies: 30.12.2004
Komentāri: 213
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
22.05.2009 13:53
Un jā - Katedrale.lv redakcija, diezgan muļķīgi un tuvredzīgi ir šī portāla slejās neatspoguļot notikušo, izliekoties, ka Baznīcu tas neskar.
pievienojies: 30.12.2004
Komentāri: 213
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
22.05.2009 13:56
Īrijas bīskaps atvainojas par notikušo. (www.irishtimes.com):

  Neary 'ashamed' at report's contents


Fri, May 22, 2009

ARCHBISHOP APOLOGISES: THE ARCHBISHOP of Tuam, Most Rev Michael Neary, has said he is “ashamed’’ by revelations in the child abuse report. It made for “sad and disturbing reading’’.

“The abuse, suffering and harm caused to so many young children in religious-run institutions is a source of deep regret and disgrace. It is most disturbing to hear the stories of personal pain and the indignity inflicted on the most vulnerable children in our society.’’

He apologised “unreservedly’’ on behalf of the church “for our failure to protect children’’.

He did so particularly as Archbishop of Tuam.

“I am particularly ashamed of the abuse that occurred in Letterfrack and Clifden. I ask forgiveness of those who suffered. Abuse of children when perpetrated by a priest or religious is both a terrible crime and a betrayal of sacred trust.’’

He felt it was “good that this report offers the opportunity to many to have their story heard and believed. In this way I hope and pray that healing may come about.’’

It was also “absolutely necessary” that the report’s recommendations be implemented.

“Appropriate structures and resources need to be put in place to ensure the safeguarding of children, and we must always be vigilant in this regard.’’

He also urged anyone who may have concerns about the safety of children “to contact the relevant authorities without delay’’.

Meanwhile, Sr Mary Christian, superior general of the Sisters of Charity, welcomed the report on her congregation’s part.

“We repeat that we are absolutely and deeply sorry that children in our care were abused in any way.

“Nothing we say can make up to them for the pain and hurt they experienced.

“We also acknowledge the staff, volunteers and sisters who did their very best to provide a caring and nurturing environment for the children under very difficult circumstances.”

© 2009 The Irish Times
pievienojies: 30.12.2004
Komentāri: 213
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
22.05.2009 14:08
Arī Īrijas kardināls Sean Brady Īrijas bīskapu konferences mājaslapā paudis nožēlu par notikušo. (katoļu ziņu aģentūra Zenit.org):

 Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-25966?l=english Irish Prelates Note Regret for Reported Child Abuse


Christian Brothers Congregation Issues Statement of Apology


DUBLIN, Ireland, MAY 21, 2009 (Zenit.org).- After the release of a report denouncing child abuse in Catholic institutions, the primate of Ireland expressed the hope that its publication will help heal wounds and right past wrongs.

Cardinal Sean Brady affirmed this in a statement issued Wednesday, the same day that Irish Supreme Court Justice Sean Ryan presented the 2,600-page report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse.

The cardinal's statement, publicized on the Irish bishops' conference Web site, noted that the report "throws light on a dark period of the past."

Cardinal Brady, archbishop of Armagh, affirmed that the "publication of this comprehensive report and analysis is a welcome and important step in establishing the truth, giving justice to victims and ensuring such abuse does not happen again."

He acknowledged that "great wrong and hurt were caused to some of the most vulnerable children in our society," and that the report documents a "shameful catalogue of cruelty: neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse."

The prelate stated: "I am profoundly sorry and deeply ashamed that children suffered in such awful ways in these institutions. Children deserved better and especially from those caring for them in the name of Jesus Christ."

The cardinal expressed the hope that the publication will help to "heal the hurts of victims and to address the wrongs of the past."

"The Catholic Church remains determined to do all that is necessary to make the Church a safe, life-giving and joyful place for children," he affirmed.


Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin released a statement urging "all church organizations involved in this report" to "seriously examine […] how their ideals became debased by systematic abuse."

He underlined the report's recommendations for safeguarding children in the future, saying, "We must find ways of ensuring that the cries and anxieties of children are heard and listened to."

"If we truly regret what happened in the past we must commit ourselves to a very different future," the archbishop affirmed.

Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam responded in another press release from the bishops' conference, stating, "I apologize unreservedly, on behalf of the Church, for our failure to protect children."

He affirmed: "It is good that this report offers the opportunity to many to have their story heard and believed. In this way I hope and pray that healing may come about."

The prelate urged constant vigilance for the safety of children, and emphasized his archdiocese's commitment to this goal.

The Irish agency CiNews reported today that the Christian Brothers congregation issued a statement of apology in response to the report, which directed the majority of the abuse allegations against them.

The congregation apologized "openly and unreservedly to all those who have been hurt either directly or indirectly as a result of the deplorable actions of some brothers, or by the inaction or inappropriate action of the congregation as a whole."

The statement continued: "We are deeply sorry for the hurt caused. We are ashamed and saddened that many who complained of abuse were not listened to.

"We acknowledge and regret that our responses to physical and sexual abuse failed to consider the long-term psychological effects on children."
pievienojies: 23.05.2009
Komentāri: 42
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
30.05.2009 03:57
Kaads absurds,kaa var kaut ko taadu atljauties.Ceru ka neviens no shiem nelieshiem vairs nestraadaa shajaas skolaas.
pievienojies: 23.05.2009
Komentāri: 36
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
31.05.2009 00:36
Tas ir briesmīgi. Un vēl jo vairāk tādēļ, ka Kristīgo skolu brāļi ir veikuši brīnišķīgu darbu daudzu gadu desmitu laikā. Daudzās valstīs.

Kā jums šķiet, vai Latvijā arī ir priesteri pedofīli? Esmu dzirdējusi par dažiem, ka tādi ir.  Vai nepienāķs diena, kad arī mūsu vadībai būs jāatskaitās?
pievienojies: 23.05.2009
Komentāri: 42
Re: Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās
01.06.2009 02:55
Slota,piedod bet patreiz Latvijaa taadu pr.nav.Ja Jums ir pieraadiijumi varat droshi teikt Ekselencei,momentaali atbrivos no darba.
 Saraksts/Par un ap kristietību/Vardarbība Īrijas katoļu skolās