Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Janis Pujats together with all diocesan bishops and a large number of priests from Latvia. Earlier people were asked to pray 9-day novena for successful beatification process that would allow honouring Bishop Sloskans as a Saint. In his sermon Cardinal Pujats recalled facts of Bishop Sloskan’s live that had been very rich but filled with many hardships including deportation to North of Russia and exile years in the West, allowing him to serve in Latvia only for 11 years. Later all Mass participants descended to the crypt where bishop’s mortal remains are lain, praying for eternal peace to his soul and singing Regina Caeli, an Easter anthem. On December 20, 2004, In Vatican, Pope John Paul II issued a Decree (Decretum super heroicitate virtutum) recognizing officially the heroism of virtues of Bishop Boleslavs Sloskans. This year on 10th of May, it will turn 80 years since Bishop Boleslavs Sloskans, at the age of 33, was secretly consecrated as a Bishop in Moscow, St. Ludwig Church, and then nominated as Bishop of Mogilew and Minsk. Fr. Arturs Kristapovics